Which shortcuts can I use?
Shortcuts can save you a lot of time. It works faster and you are less likely to suffer from a mouse arm. In this tip, we’ll first explain which shortcuts you can use on a daily basis and which you really need to memorize. Then we explain which keyboard shortcuts or shortcuts you use on the desktop, in the Safari browser and while typing.
Handy shortcuts for everyone
Everyone should know these handy shortcuts:
Cmd + Tab | Switch quickly between programs |
Cmd + ~ | Quickly switch between program windows |
Cmd + Backspace | Throw the file in the trash |
Cmd + W | Close active window |
Cmd + Q | Close active program |
Cmd + Spacebar | Open Spotlight |
Cmd + C | Copy text |
Cmd + V | Paste text |
Cmd + X | Cut text |
Shift + Alt + Cmd + V | Paste text without including the formatting |
Cmd + F | Find keyword |
Cmd + A | Select all text |
Cmd + B | Make all selected text bold |
Cmd + I | Make all selected text italic |
Cmd + U | Underline all selected text |
Keyboard shortcuts for your Mac desktop
On the desktop and in the Finder you can use the following handy shortcuts:
Cmd + N | Opens a new Finder window |
Cmd + M | Minimizes an active window |
Cmd + T | Opens a new tab within the active window |
Cmd + Shift + N | Creates a new Folder |
Enter | Rename a file after selecting it |
Spacebar | Show a preview of the file |
Cmd + Delete | Moves a selected file to the trash |
Shift + arrows | Select multiple files |
Keyboard shortcuts for Safari browser on Mac
You can use many of these keyboard shortcuts in Safari and most other browsers on your Mac . In addition, we have a number of others that are useful, especially for the browser:
Cmd + N | Opens a new window |
Cmd + Shift + N | Opens a new incognito window |
Cmd + W | Close the current tab |
Cmd + T | Open a new tab |
Cmd + Shift + T | Reopen the last closed tab |
cmd + Option + Right arrow / Left arrow | Open the next / previous tab in the series of open tabs |
Cmd + 1/2/3 | Open the first, second and third tab |
Cmd + 9 | Go to the very first tab |
Cmd + R | Reload the web page |
Cmd + Shift + R | Enter reading mode |
Cmd + L | Select the address bar at the top |
Cmd + F | Search for a word on the page |
Cmd + Left arrow | Go back to the last visited page |
Cmd + P | Print page |
Cmd + M | Minimize the window |
Keyboard shortcuts while typing on Mac
You can also take advantage of numerous keyboard shortcuts on the Mac while typing. This is especially useful if you have to write a lot of texts, but it actually comes in handy for anyone who has to write or edit a bit longer text on a regular basis.
Cmd + Left arrow / Right arrow | Go to the beginning / end of the line |
Option + Left arrow / Right arrow | Go to the previous / next word |
Shift + Left Arrow / Right Arrow | Select the previous / next letter |
Option + Shift + Left arrow / Right arrow | Select the previous / next word |
Cmd + Shift + Left Arrow / Right Arrow | Select everything to the left / right of the cursor |
Shortcut overview: CheatSheet
You have shortcuts at your disposal on an iPad Smart Keyboard . If you press the Cmd key, an overlay with all available shortcut keys will appear. This is also possible on the Mac , but you must first install a free app: CheatSheet.
After you’ve downloaded CheatSheet, you can bring up a keyboard shortcut overlay on your Mac by holding down the Command key. You will immediately see your cheat sheet with shortcuts. The list adapts to the app that is currently active. So in Safari you get a different list than in Pages. You can download CheatSheet here.
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