Sony has released more details about the PlayStation Plus Collection on PS5 that you can play once you have successfully installed.
Tag - PlayStation
Cloud saves on PlayStation 4: you need to know about this
With a PlayStation Plus subscription, it is possible to use cloud saves on PlayStation 4. But how does that work exactly? This article explains all.
Sony patent hint to PlayStation 4 controller with touchscreen
A patent from Sony has surfaced that hints at a PlayStation 4 controller without a touchpad, but with a full touchscreen.
Sony solves strange messages problems for PlayStation 4
Yesterday there was a bug on the PlayStation 4 where players received a strange characters message. However, Sony solves strange messages problems.
PSN offers profile name change from next year for their users
PSN offers profile name change from next year: Sony has announced that PlayStation Network users will able to change their profile name from next year.
PlayStation Now now also lets you download PS4 and PS2 games
Sony has announced that users can Download games with PlayStation now. These facilities supported certain PS4 and PS2 games.
The Japanese company Sony joins the current trend of mini-game consoles and has announced the PlayStation Classic. only five games have been announced yet.
Sony brings 12 PlayStation 2 games to PlayStation Now
4.5 / 5 ( 494 votes ) Sony has announced that twelve PlayStation 2 games are coming to the PlayStation Now game streaming service. This is the first wave of...
Review: Nacon Revolution Pro Controller 2 (for PlayStation 4)
Nacon has released a new version of the Nacon Revolution Pro Controller 2. The controller looks a bit like an Xbox One controller, which may help an Xbox gamer...
In this review we look at the Sony PlayStation 4 Pro, the updated version of the Sony PlayStation 4. Most powerful version of the three available game consoles.