We have talked about it before and we get more and more questions about it; What is the best TV for gaming and how do I find this TV? We have made an overview of the most important elements of gaming on a TV. We also give you a few examples of TVs that are extremely suitable for playing games.
Which technique is best for games? LCD or plasma?
Both techniques have important points that make them suitable for gaming and neither really stands out. It is important that when you go for an LCD TV, you choose an LCD TV with LED backlighting, preferably with local dimming. The LED technology provides a better contrast and LED TVs more often have features that are better for gaming, such as a 100Hz mode.
Plasma TVs generally provide a smoother picture, which is important for games. However, the latest LED models, equipped with local dimming, with a refresh rate of 100Hz or more, can keep up with this. On the other hand, LCD TVs give a sharper and clearer picture. Below we compare both techniques on a number of points.
Sharpness and motion blur
We already indicated above that LCD TVs generally provide a sharper image. A disadvantage is that this image becomes blurry when images move quickly. Plasma TVs do not have this problem due to a faster reaction time of the plasma cells. Still, the refresh rate, expressed in Hertz, is a different story. Because many people pay attention to this, it is used as marketing by manufacturers and they try to artificially increase this refresh rate. LCD TV manufacturers are already offering Hz rates from 200 to 400, but this says little. Plasma TV manufacturers naturally want to respond to this and come with 600 or 800Hz. Most importantly, a plasma TV generally does not suffer from motion blur. Do you want an LCD TV? Then look for a TV with a realistic refresh rate of 100Hz,
Image retention
Plasma TVs are still thought to burn in images quickly when you pause a program or game. Nowadays this is no longer the case, but has not completely disappeared. When you leave an image continuously on a plasma TV for a long time, there is still the small chance that something will get stuck. Panasonic and Samsung, both major plasma brands, indicate that they have almost solved it, but it is difficult to get rid of it completely. For your choice between an LCD or plasma TV you no longer have to watch this, provided you really have games on pause for hours and more than once.
Contrast and black levels
Plasma TVs generally have a higher contrast ratio, although the newer LCD TVs with LED lighting come closer. There are already LCD TVs with Full LED backlighting and local dimming, which provides an even better contrast that is almost on a par with the contrast ratio of plasma TVs. The disadvantage of Full LED TVs is that they are very pricey.
Plasma also beats LCD TVs in terms of black levels. The black values are much deeper and for this reason film fans also choose a plasma TV more often than an LCD TV. LCD TVs generally give clearer and sharper pictures, but, as already mentioned, also with the risk of motion blur. It depends a bit on which games you play. If you play games with a lot of contrast and fast movements of the complete image with a lot of detail, then plasma is the better option. If you play quieter games in which clarity and sharpness are reasonably important, LCD is the best option.
The ‘Game’ mode
It is important that the TV you are looking for has a so-called ‘Game mode’. This mode makes the TV turn off all unnecessary techniques used when watching movies and normal TV programs and adjusts the settings for a dynamic picture, which is ideal for games.
3D gaming
Here too we see advantages for both techniques. Plasma techniques generally provide a better 3D image due to the minimal form of crosstalk (images intended for one eye appear shortly before the other eye). On the other hand, LCD / LED TVs give a much brighter picture.
You can also choose from a passive 3D TV or an active 3D TV. passive 3D TVs have so far only been marketed as LCD TV and have the advantage of a more comfortable 3D experience and cheaper glasses. One drawback is the reduced resolution.
The best TV for gaming: Conclusion
As you can see, there are both advantages and disadvantages for LCD and plasma models. Take a good look at what you are looking for in playing games and what is important to you and then make your choice using the above arguments.
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